Wellness Resolutions for the New Year

Wellness Resolutions for the New Year

Every January, we say some variation of “new year, new me” to ourselves as we recover from celebrating the holiday season and new year perhaps a little too hard. Whatever your over-indulgences of the past year, be it chocolate, champagne, or shopping, January marks a fresh start to a new year where you can choose to change things up if you like. Call them resolutions, goals, or whatever you want, if you’re looking for some wellness-related resolutions, we’ve got some great, easy, and effective ideas to get you started on a year for you. Read on for our top three New Years’ resolutions for wellness that we promise do not involve cutting back on your chocolate consumption (besides, dark chocolate has health benefits—win!).

Drink More Water

It’s so simple and yet sometimes very challenging to ensure we’re drinking enough water. Unless you’re sipping throughout the day and frequently refilling your glass, chances are you aren’t drinking enough water. After even two weeks of drinking two or more litres of water, you’ll notice some positive changes to your skin clarity and health as well as a boost in energy and more focus. Being well hydrated helps more than just your skin and organs, it has also been shown to reduce panic attacks and decrease your risk of depression and anxiety. The benefits of drinking water are as numerous as the added flavour options should you want to fancy up your water a bit. Fill your glass and cheers to a healthier you.

Take A Moment

Do you ever get stuck into a task, be it work related or a hobby, and forget about the rest of the world? Before you know it, hours have passed and you aren’t feeling your best. A simple and relatively quick solution that will keep you feeling fresh throughout the day and greatly benefit your wellness is to make a point of having small breaks to take a moment for yourself. Whether you’re getting up every 20-30 minutes to stretch or taking a 5 minute walk around the block, a change of scenery, some fresh air, and a bit of movement go a long way to improving your mood and keeping your body from feeling stiff and tired. It’s also nice to take a few minutes each day, either when you first wake up or before going to bed, to sit quietly and reflect upon the day you’re about to have or the day you’ve just had. Mindfulness moments like these keep us centred, help us find gratitude, and bring calming reflection to our otherwise busy lives. 

Get Better Sleep

Starting a sleep routine and sticking to it can sometimes be a bit tricky, but the benefits to your mental and physical health are numerous. Getting enough quality sleep improves your mood and focus, lowers stress hormones that also affect your waistline, and gives your body and mind time to recover and repair from the overall wear and tear of life. Quality sleep is about more than just ensuring you’re getting 7-8 hours a night, it’s about making those hours count and going through all of the necessary cycles of sleep to wake up feeling refreshed rather than hitting the snooze button a couple of times. 

A few small adjustments to your sleep routine to help ensure good quality sleep include going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each night, keeping water by the bed so you don’t have to get up and turn on a light if you get thirsty, adjusting the temperature in your bedroom to keep you comfortable, and ensuring you have supportive pillows. However, if we could only give out one singular piece of wellness advice, one easy change that will have a big impact on your life, would be to sleep in silk. You may have heard about the benefits of sleeping on a silk pillowcase for your skin and hair. Now, imagine those benefits for your entire body. Besides wrinkle prevention and healthier hair, sleeping on or in silk provides your skin with some much needed, soothing relief. Just as it feels great to sit down after being on your feet all day, your skin will breathe a sigh of relief to get out of the cotton and polyester blends and into some soft, sustainable silk. 

Speaking of breathing, silk is super breathable, allowing your skin to stay hydrated and keeping you at the perfect temperature all night long. You’ll wake up feeling pampered every day, not only because your skin is feeling softer and more hydrated and, if you’re sleeping on a silk pillowcase, your hair is smoother, but because sleeping in silk is luxurious and feels like a special treat. You deserve that feeling every day as you take on the world, knowing that something soft and luxurious is waiting for you to slip into at the end of the day.

Find Your Fit at NK IMODE

Shop NK IMODE for sustainable silk sleep and lounge wear that will keep you feeling great 24/7. There are so many styles to choose from that you can take beyond the sheets to continue your wellness journey in comfort and style. Find the pieces that work best with your style preferences from our many collections. Not sure where to start? Chat with our concierge for some recommendations. We are happy to help you with your wellness resolutions for the new year.