In Support of Women and Women’s Health

In Support of Women and Women’s Health

October is here and with it, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It’s nearly impossible to get through the month without being inundated by the colour pink and seeing Estée Lauder’s pink ribbon campaign or, if you’re in Canada, being reminded of CIBC’s annual Run for the Cure. All of this is in support of and to raise awareness for breast cancer and to remind women to routinely check for irregularities in their breasts that could be dangerous. 

Back in university, there were laminated printouts demonstrating how to perform a self-check taped to the inside of every shower stall in the girls’ washroom of my dormitory. I doubt any of us paid much attention to these printouts at the time, much less routinely self-checked. As young women in our late teens and early 20s, we were under the impression that breast cancer affects middle-aged women, not us. The harsh reality, however, is that breast cancer cases in younger women are becoming more and more common. Despite the numbers saying that only about 4% of breast cancer patients are under the age of 40, I personally have had two friends under the age of 35 (one even was 26 at the time of diagnosis) get diagnosed with breast cancer within the last 3 years. 

Happily, both of these amazing ladies are in remission but the statistics show that not everyone is so lucky. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian women and the second leading cause of death from cancer in Canadian women. We at NK IMODE are passionate about supporting women and women’s health, having in the past created a limited run chemise with partial proceeds going to support breast cancer research and now this blog to raise awareness and promote self-checks which, if you aren’t sure how to perform one, a helpful guide can be found here.

Ways to Show Support

There are many ways that one can support breast cancer research and survivors. Of course, in Canada, the simplest way to support would be through a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society. Locally here in Vancouver, Inspire Health offers free-of-charge nutritionists, physiotherapists, counseling, information sessions, and activity classes for patients in BC and relies on donations to keep these programs available.

As women, our best way to show our support for each other is to remind our loved ones to get screened and encourage self-checks, even if we feel we are still too young to get breast cancer. If someone you are close to has been diagnosed with breast cancer, reach out and see if they need anything. Whether it’s help cleaning their home during chemo treatments, a homecooked meal, or someone to talk to during a long treatment session, there are many ways to give support that don’t have to involve finances. However, your loved one might also be fundraising for something related to her treatment and recovery, so don’t forget to ask if you have the means to donate.

If you did want to send a nice gift to a loved one during a difficult time, we at NK IMODE have received a lot of feedback on our Morgan Iconic Bust Support Chemise from women who have experienced post-mastectomy surgeries. The lace detailing around the bust offers comfortable support while also concealing any surgical scars. Adjustable straps contribute to the best possible fit while the cut of the chemise accentuates the wearer’s natural curves, drawing attention away from any areas one might be self-conscious of. We are flattered to receive such exceptional feedback from these clients as our goal is always to promote self-care and comfort in our pieces and knowing that our Morgan Iconic Bust Support Chemise can help breast cancer survivors feel confident warms our hearts. 

So remember ladies, spread the word about regular screenings for breast cancer, and don’t forget to self-check once a month for irregular lumps and bumps.